Wednesday 12 October 2011

Gender representation of Sarah Connor

Terminator 2 - Sarah Connor escape 0.00-0.36
This is looks at the gender representation of Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) in the escape scene of the terminator.
Starting with the way she is presented in the shot in terms of costume, she is wearing white vest and lose grey trousers. The costume is very plain and isn’t showing off her features archetypally as a woman instead it focuses one her toned arms. Muscle is a very masculine stereotype it’s a connotation of power and hard work. The characters hair is tied back; her overall appearance is very plain and straight forward it shows that she doesn’t concentrate on herself looking very feminine instead it’s all about the male connotations of power and independence. Sarah Connors voice in the scene where she threatens the male is very gruff and deep again referring back to masculinity. The two males in the clip are subvert to the character Sarah Connor in a way that they are very weak and are easily brought down by Sarah Connor. She is on edge she uses what’s around her to control the situation she is in, she isn’t the damsel in distress she’s a women with a plan to escape the environment she is currently in. Looking at the camera movement and editing of the scene it is fast pace where there is action and cuts to different angles. The movement of the camera emphasizes the strength in Sarah Connor and moves with her actions making the character look more powerful. To sum up she is not the archetypal women but a part of the male archetype in her appearance and how she is physically.

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